Foldable and Reusable Cup

If you have a habit of forgetting your water bottle and coffee mug to office from home just like me and some of my friends , I was trying to figure out a simple solution for this. The problem that we have to carry a bottle or a mug is that they are space-consuming , heavy , need to be washed every time we use it. Yes, we can have a very simple foldable multi-purpose cup to address all these problems.

Also, if we can find a material which can be just rinsed with water to clean it easily with a washing agent for quick wash. Do you think this type of a cup really helps one and solves the problem of managing a coffee mug at office. This can reduce usage of plastic and paper cups as well.

This is a simple idea on my mind every time I see a paper cup used at office by my colleague friends.

Let me know what you think about this?

Share your ideas if you think it addressed the problem in better way.


Find command in your perl script

If you want to search a particular file in a complex directory structure we have Unix command ‘find’ . I have been using this quite a sometime. But, I wanted to incorporate this feature in my perl script – this is bit challenging and didn’t find on any of the sites, don’t know if I missed any important sites.! you can point me if so.

Well , I still could get basic information on this in perl documentation. I am adducing important sites I referred.

Just read about wanted function in the document above and more importantly these variables used.

  • $File::Find::dir is the current directory name,
  • $_ is the current filename within that directory
  • File::Find::name is the complete pathname to the file.

Just tweaked these sample scripts as per my requirement. I am sharing my script here with the explanation inline.


use File::Find;  ## perl module . please use appropriate version of perl software

my $dir=”.”;  ## you can choose your directory

### find command to find .v and .libs in the directory – any search pattern is possible to use ..CHARM..:)

### Subroutine executed on your each of file/directory parsed by above find command

sub test_name
#print $File::Find::name if -f;
#print “$File::Find::name \n”
#if($File::Find::name =~ m/.*\.v$/ ){
if($File::Find::name =~ m/.*\.v$/ | $File::Find::name =~ m/.*\.lib$/)  {
print “$File::Find::name \n” ;  ##prints file name

## prints size of the file in bytes

print $size{$File::Find::name}=-s if -f;
print “\n”;
Hope it helped .. Enjoy scripting..:) Comment if you are trying out something like this, would love to check it. 🙂

Rajeev Motwani: There wasn’t a startup he didn’t love

Go For It....

Rajeev Motwani, wanted to study mathematics and become another Gauss! His father, however, persuaded him to study computer science. Little did he know how closely the two are related? He graduated with B.Tech. in computer science from IITK in 1983 and PhD from Berkeley in 1988.  Rajeev was a wise theoretician that had the rare knack and desire to turn theory into practical applications. Whenever you use a piece of technology, there is a good chance a little bit of Rajeev Motwani is behind it.

Rajeev played an important role in the founding of Google 15 years ago. He was snatched away from us on June 5, 2009, at the age of 47, in a drowning accident in the backyard swimming pool of his Atherton home after a party celebrating the end of the school year!

Growing up

Rajeev Motwani was born on March 24, 1962 in the Indian city…

View original post 5,646 more words

Forcing on all the FOUR

Today’s post is going to be about a topic I got to speak on in a soft skill training. In order to improve on a right feedback of our presentation and public speaking skills, we were all given few topics out of which I randomly chose one which sounded something related to Enthusiasm. YES..! that is same as Title of the Post : Forcing on all the FOUR.

We were given 45min lunch time meanwhile had to plan our presentation (No ppt. only verbal). Soon after  each  candidate with their selected topics in hand to mull over and to present a 3min talk, the class broke for lunch. I just checked and rechecked the probable meanings of the words from dictionary  over internet. I learned it to be perfectly going with ‘Doing something with full strength’ and what about the number 4 . With the meaning of the words in mind to  mull over the topi I just for lunch.

Yes, I got something , few key points meantime during lunch..!! Here it goes , my speech for 3min.

When I say ‘Forcing on all the four’ what is that probably comes in mind:  a Hollywood action movie? James Bond ? – These are associated with Physical strength, what I wanted convey was about mental strength , mind power and doing the best for success with our goals and dreams.:)


I am here to share 4 key steps for success, which starts from

1. setting a goal- Setting a goal which of our Passion : close to heart , keeps me loving it and finds  interesting to me , challenges me..

2. Get cor clarity of what we expect out of it, at the end of it may be materialistic or immaterial satisfaction to life, why do I do it, gains and losses.

3. Higher clarity leads better planning of the journey, makes it more confident and comfortable.

4. Persistence and perspiration till we actually make it happen not being over confident.

We can better see above points if we associate them with the business Icons, Indian Legends, strategy of a sports expert , technology expert. Even better with the Entrepreneurs. Here I recollect what I read from ‘Qualcomm Equation’ , persistence and clarity of goal set by the founders of Qualcomm made it a big success over years.

This was my speech of 3min for the day..:)Hope you enjoyed reading it now..:)

A thought: Can motivational books inspire one??

Yes..!! I would like to share my thought on : Can motivational books like ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne , ‘You Can Win’ by Shiv Khera , ‘Wings of fire’: an autobiography, lots of books by Robin Sharma and Napolean Hill ,really inspire one and do a successful job of nurturing leadership qualities, brings positive attitude in a person?.. Not only  books for that matter, motivational speech by best of business icons, writers, scientists, a school teacher to students in class..etc..etc..
One day I was just having usual conversation with one of my neighbors : a software engineer by profession. We started sharing about the books we read. just a day before  I had purchased few books , one among those is ‘You Can Win’ by Shiv Khera. So, naturally I mentioned it to him and asked if he likes to read it? . What he said is “It’s all lots of preaching in these books Rekha..!! I don’t like to read them..!!” .

With the incident question started bothering is : How do others get this opinion on which I really find very motivating, highly inspiring and influencing..!? Why the opinion differs ? how and why? .. Just gave some time to think over this.!!! You got my answer here: YES..!! A book, a speech can influence one to the extent to create miracles in one’s life.:):) Let me just support myself..!!

When we read a story, listened a tale from our granny and teachers during childhood we enjoyed so much, even today we enjoy reading a novel ,fictional or non-fictional stories.. But we can’t enjoy reading these motivational books instead finds them boring and preaching irrespective of great narration by biggest motivational speakers of this World.. WHY?

It’s because we won’t visualize what we read as we do it with a story. When we read a story or a novel we try to visualize characters in it, feel them, experience them..So , we enjoy them. Thinking of this analogy with inspirational books, in those books only character is its reader.Complete discussions on points revolve all around him. Its his strong will support the facts in the book.Just try putting in a little more effort in visualizing the things when you read a motivational book or listen something motivational.

Specially what I found with ‘You Can Win’ and ‘The Secret’ is that each and every point they make is strongly supported with the real examples.

I like to share something from ‘You Can Win’ which I recently read:

Two examples given in the book about confidence within us while striving for success and  the other is about struggle to make for it,all that we gain and lessons we learn with it, all at the end we become even more stronger mentally, physically, emotionally to achieve much more.

The first example is on a Aeroplane company: Lockheed introduced a plane. Before its release to ensure the safety and testing the strength of the jetliner , the organization exposed the plane to roughest possible treatment for 18 months, a program that cost $1.5billion. Hydraulic jacks, electronic sensors, and a computer put the aeroplane through its paces for more than 36,000 simulated flights, without any single malfunction. Finally after thousands of tests, aircraft was given the seal of approval.

The point made with this example is the organization had all the reason to be positive to give seal of approval because of all its effort put into the preparation..!!!

So, preparation gives confidence..!! When we take up a risk that means that you are confident of going with it, well prepared to plunge into it and positive about its results. There is similar analogy for risk given by the author is Risk taker v/s a Gambler. A Gambler takes risk without preparation, without being confident but a true winner/risk-taker knows to play with it very well prepared and confident.
The later example I told is about an example given by teacher to his students:

A biology teacher teaching his students how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.I just give gist of it. If we help caterpillar to come out of cocoon without struggling for it on its own, it lacks the strength it gains during the process and dies because of that. So, we shouldn’t depend on or follow shorter ways to achieve  success instead challenge and make it with own efforts. Victory gained with self struggle remains with us and we will be able to retain that with us till the end to make the best out of it.

Don’t you think these lessons, analogies teach us great lessons to make a successful life. What we gain by visualizing ourselves as character of these stories is indispensable and commendable.

Hope the argument makes sense and you enjoyed reading it..:) You are most welcome for any comments and to express your perspective..:) Share  it here.

Set a goal..Set your way to beat it..:) All the best.:)

                                         —- Rekha Govindaraj

Small things that make this World a better place to live.!!

Today many parts of India are determined to eb Drought hit including Bangalore and Agriculture dependent areas of India. Amount of rain fall is reducing Year to Year..!!! If the same continuos, we have no doubt in the Earth turning a Barren land..!! Let us be aware of these and make a little effort towards saving Mother Earth from getting into such a scenario..!!!

Very small changes that we make in our habits can contribute  a great to make our Earth a better place for life and would continue to be a place for survival of life.

After joining my first job, things I observed in a office and my thoughts about how we can change a bit of our habits to contribute towards saving Mother Earth from turning to a barren land.

1. Reducing the usage of tissue papers used in canteen, toilets..etc..

2. Reducing the number of paper cups we use everyday: use metallic plates and cups which are reusable.

3. Avoid unnecessary print-outs and photocopies.Print documents onlt when its necessary and un avoidable. Be concious before giving ‘Print’ option in your printer. Print on both sides of a paper everytime you take a print whihc is not mandatory to be printed on single side: Save paper, there by trees.

4. Limit usage of water.

5. Don’t waste food whether you pay for it or provided free of cost to you.

6. Make sure you switch off lights and Air Conditioner in your work space before you leave: Save electricity.

7. Try to use Company provided mass transport facility than private transport.

8. Take stairs instead of lift : at least when we have a few steps to walk to the destination. Just be little thoughtful before stepping into lift.

9. Make effective and responsible usage of company provided resources specially like papers, plastic, electricity,transport facility, food ..etc..

 Let us be responsible citizens in using free of cost facilities!!!

Article to The GATE Academy, Bangalore

I wrote an article to The GATE Academy,my GATE coaching institute to provide few important and most curious information to the GATE aspirants there. Here it goes,

Dear IIT/IISc aspirants,

I am very happy o share my experience during the journey from GATE preparation till I successfully completed my Post-Graduation.  Hope this will be helpful for those dreaming their future days at IITs/IISc. These institutes are the best places in India to get your dream career come true.

GATE preparation and Post preparation for PG admissions:

Important points during GATE preparation:

  1. Follow standard text books and be clear with concepts
  2. Choose important and topics you find tougher, keep revising at least once a week i.e. regular revision during preparation.
  3. Start solving problems from easiest to tougher and then GATE level 2 marks  and tricky 1 mark questions
  4. If don’t find solution, never give up start finding it from friends, books and teachers.
  5. Collect as many more questions as possible from all the possible sources, solve.. solve and solve.. Nothing can beat the best practice and focused preparation. I referred G.K. Publishers, , Previous GATE papers, Model and Mock test papers.
  6. Regularly solving the difficult problems.. You can find new, shorter and smarter methods to solve problems in lesser time.
  7. Make sure you don’t forget what you studied before while studying new topics.
  8. Make sure that your shorter and smarter methods are conceptually right and start reasoning why the method works? This improves your reasoning ability when you come across new problems in the exam.
  9. Keep a proper time table till the end preparation. Start end preparation before 2-3 months.

The last lap:  Preparations during last 2-3 months

So far you have solved question topic wise. Now start solving papers.

  1. Solve as many papers as possible minimum 40-50 papers.
  2. Solve randomly chosen questions.
  3. Mean while keep revising and studying toughest topics you feel.
  4. Make sure you don’t miss some not-frequently asked and easy topics for best result.

Just relax your mind and prepare mentally to stay calm and relaxed, think patiently in the lst week of end preparation. Mock tests would help a lot with this and to be well prepared with topics.

I suggest not to study new topics at this time i.e. which you think is totally new. Try new kind of questions and think of possible questions on topic.

With properly planned and well managed study you can easily mange stress during examination.

I hope this article helps you to make your preparation the best.

All the very best to all GATE aspirants.

Life @IIT Kharagpur during M.Tech. Student life:

IITkgpian’s life is full of fun and enjoyable. Semester duration is only 4 months at IIT Kharagpur which is shortest among all IITs. So, IIT acad is basically very short, conceptual, more practical and research oriented. Syllabus will be updated according to latest research work by Professors. Professors are very helpful, friendly and knowledgeable. They discuss concepts in the practical aspect. Labs are availed with essential equipments along with teaching assistants for personal attention of students and all required guidance.

Difference I experienced at IIT is : Lots of opportunities in every field social and cultural, technical and as well with Acads to recognize talents in any field by different societies for different events such as Technology Music societies, Technology Dance Society, Technology Dramatic Society, Entrepreneurship cell, Departments Societies so on. Every talent is given a opportunity on stage to nurture their skills and eventually leading to develop it as a passion. IIT life is very enjoyable with Cultural, Sports, Technical fests, Inter IIT events, various workshops almost every week end.

Except Internship opportunities during vacation, long period of 4/5 years duration which makes an abundant time to utilize IIT stay and opportunities, there is no much difference between a Post-Grad and Under-Grads. It’s all about ones capability to utilize the facilities to make it the best place for future career. There are equal opportunities for ,  and Dual degree candidates.

I thank The GATE Academy for giving me this opportunity to share few words with IIT/IISc aspirants.

All the best to The GATE Academy and all GATE aspirants..:)


IISC Interview Experience-2012

Some of my blog visitors got in touch with during IIT/IISc admission process in this year- 2012 have shared their experiences to share here so that it helps the coming IIT/IISc aspirants. I am thankful to them and happy to share this valuable information on my blog.

Check out these conversation on Emails yourself.

1.   Chaitanya,

Hi Rekha,

I am Chaitanya from Bangalore. I happen to read your blog and just thought of getting some doubts cleared. I secured a GATE rank of 480 and a Gate score of 729 in the year 2012. What are my chances at IITs? Also I am interested in the field of communications and signal processing. How are these departments at IIT Kharagpur ? Thanks for taking your time to read my mail.

I got selected for admission to IISc in CEDT department. I have been short listed for IITK in RF and microwaves. Also in IITkgp for all branches for interview.  Also in IITB for Communications in RA category. I am 99% sure that i would be joining IISc. As  I had told you earlier i was originally interested in the field of signal processing. But, since i have got selected in IISc, i am having second thoughts. What would you have done?

I have decided to join IISc and I am more than happy to share my experience. Here it goes….

1. The written test was on April 14, 2012. I guess the total number of candidates who were shortlisted for written test could be around 600 to 700(because my rank was 480).So this is just an educated guess. The test comprised of 1mark(8), 2mark(8) and 3mark(8) questions(they were not objective kind). The questions included design of op-amp based circuits, digital circuits, mathematical fundamentals(limits, fourier series and stuff), questions based on dc motors, one question based on physics(F = ma principle), few questions on mechanics, one question on chemistry(galvanisation),etc. The duration of the test was around 1 hour 15 minutes.

2. The results of the test were announced the same day at 7pm. Totally 157 candidates were shortlisted for interviews. The interview was held over a span of 2 days for all the candidates. There was only one round of inteview. My interview was slated on April 16th 2.00 PM.

3. Many candidates were asked interview questions mainly based on their degree project. In my case, I had completed my Engineering in 2009 and then worked as a lecturer in a private institute for one and a half years. So, they asked me what were the courses that I taught while I was a lecturer. I had taught a course on Random Processes and Control systems. Therefore all the questions were based on these two courses that I had taught.

In random processes, question based on independence of events and a common problem in that area was asked. In control systems, questions were based on root locus, PI controller etc. The duration of the interview was 20 minutes. The results of the interview were announced by the end of April. Totally 19 candidates were selected for admission out of the 157 candidates who were shortlisted for interview.

4. Few tips that i would like to share:

i) Be confident about what your speaking. Well this confidence would only come from preparation. There is no point in preparing for an interview the day before the interview. So, concentrate on learning concepts while preparing for GATE and not just solving many many problems. In an interview your understanding of concepts will be tested.

ii) Many candidates with better rank(rank 150, 200 and so on) than me were not able to crack the interview. Also I must mention that I got the admission under the general merit category. So, one should not think that the interview is a mere formality and guys with better ranks only will be given admission finally. Even if you did not make it to the top in GATE, you can make up for it by giving your best in the interview (ofcourse first you have to be shortlisted).

iii) I have been a teacher for quite sometime(1.5 years). So i recommend those who are preparing for GATE to teach some of your juniors in your college or nearby your house about the concepts that you learnt. That will really help you in facing interviews.

iv) Also, in an interview even if you are not able to answer a question don’t bog down but show your keeness to learn by asking some questions and clarifications from the interviewer regarding the topic. Believe me, I asked them as many questions as they asked me just to have clarity about the question. Also, if you absolutely don’t have any idea regarding a question then you can say that you don’t know the answer.

Finally, I hope that everyone are reading this blog well before you started preparing for GATE rather than after writing GATE exam and preparing for interviews. I wish everyone the very best.

 2.       Sandesh


i have recently gone through your blog. it is quite informative.. my 2012
gate score is 561 and rank is 2714 in EC.i have done my btech and passing
year is 2011. i am working as a project engineer in iitbombay.. i want
to do mtech in electronic systems in iitbombay. so can you give me any
more tips for cracking iitb interview in EE will be helpful to
get a exact picture of the interview scenario.

thanking you..

with regards

jr. project engineer(hardware)

i did attend a research associate interview in IISC . my final year

project is  ‘a pca based face recognition using matlab’. so they asked me

various questions in that.

they are


1. why it is called face recognition.. cant i take a image of a banana and

match it and call it banana recognition?


2. then they asked about 2-dim fourier transform and its application on

the image processing….. after all the discussion they asked me why we

usefourier transform here… fourier transform should be done in

frequency domain….. where in the 2-d image u find a frequency

parameter…. how do you physically realize application of fourier

transform in case of image processing..


3. then they told me to draw a non inverting amplifier of gain 10 using

opamp. i did draw  with a R1= 1 k and RF= 9 k … they they asked that why

did you choose the values … can i take 100k and 900k or 1M and 9M or 1E

or 9E ….. i know there is some restriction of loading… but how to

answer this question.


4. can you see the hole? if yes justify if no justify….


5. how to convert a analog to digital signal???? … when i told them abt

the sampling process they said no no not that what is the scheme to be

followed… so how this question should be answered…


and most importantly how to react when i dont know a answer but has a

slight hint of the answer..

what  areas i should prepare and which text to follow when they ask abt my

project…. mostly the ask advanced aspects of my project..


Ans1. It is as good as asking: how face recognition system is different from any othr recognition system.. U must knw this.. What key features and database you are using for recognition.. There are some assumptions about any new data u get for recognition  rite..!! to say ur project as face recognition and not as Banana recognition..These things. It’s all tech details on your project..Think it’s very easy to answer..But u need to take ur time and think positively..

Ans2.  Frequency in image says abt sharp edges in image.. If you filter image for low frequency components you get a image with edges somewhat blurred compared to original one..and High frequency image will have shrp edges high lighted in it.. Any text will give u this ans..this is importance of frequency domain for an image..

Ans.3:  Noise concern to use large value ‘large’ in attached doc sloa082.

Ans 4. :  I think this question can be answered by considering the angle of depression and  angle of elevation when we look inside the hole and then the ground level.  Basically ‘depth’ is the property of the hole needs to be proved to say there is a hole exists.

Ans 5.  May be you were expected to explain sampling frequency determination.  Even I am not able to find what was there expectation. But you would have asked them for clarity in question and to know what were they exactly expecting from you. Be free and confident to ask questions to have clarity on the questions in any interview.

Ans 6: I suggest the same as said by Chaitanya in the above tips. For that matter in any interview, Asking more questions and being interactive with interviewer shows how confident you are. Also here you need to be very careful in your tone ; it may sound over confident and dominating the interviewer , this may not be good for you. Be humble, show keenness to learn.. Accept if you don’t have any idea of the topic.

Ans6:  Be clear and good with the basic concepts on your project. Follow standard text books. Think more on practical applications  of the project. Discuss your project with some expert faculty in your college and with friends. Try to know the obvious questions on your project and have best answers . This comes only by practical thinking on the project.  Think if much more work can be done in the project and how can u make it better. What is challenging part in that.

Always project has broader spectrum to pose questions and will depend on the interviewer’s familiarity and experience with the project topic.  Be confident , think and answer.

Frm my frnd Amit More, IITkgp:

Ans1. I think it is called face recognition because we are trying to recognize input image (whichever it is, a banana or Human face) against database which is generated from FACIAL images, which makes it face recognition.

Ans2. Frequency in spatial domain for Images corresponds to signal which changes with particular period (inverse of frequency). Which means if my image shows frequency of 1 or 2 in its FT along say, horizontal dimension, means there is a signal (visual pattern in case of images) which shows 1 or 2 transition in its intensity along that dimension.

The edges present in the images correspond to some frequency component along perpendicular direction of edge in a frequency domain. In face recognition some key features of images (Face) are extracted & stored. I am not aware of Face recognition algorithm so cant tell why exactly FT is used in Face recognition, but FT will extract frequency from images which may give some info. abt pattern of image.

PCA is also a kind of transform which gives info abt pattern of image.

3.       Avinash

Hello Rekha,


I wanted to share with you the written  test and the interview process at Electronic systems engineering department at IISC.

There were analog as well as digital systems design questions:

1. Implement a NOT gate using a 4:1 MUX , in as many ways as possible?

2. If a multimeter is connected across a PN junction diode, how much voltage it will read and why?

3.There was a question on limits from Mathematics, lim x—3 {Sin(x-3)/(x-3)} = ?

4. Design an OpAmp circuit, which glows LED at a rate of no more than 20 volts/s.

* hint :this question is based upon slew rate of opamp, to be less than or equal to 20, make a non inverting amplifier , with (slew rate <= 20)

5.Anotheropamp related  design question:

Design a circuit, which has three LED’s( red ,green, yellow),

red LED glows when input>1volt

green LED glows when input> 2 volt.

yellow LED glows when input> 3 volt.


*hint– Make a clipper circuit having  three parallel branches, each branch containing an LED and voltage sources as follows:

Red Led should be reverse biased with 1V

green LED should be reverse biased with 2V

yellow LED should be reverse biased with 3V.

the whole above parallel arrangement is preceeded by a non invertingOPamp amplifier of gain unity( i.e just keep a voltage follower)


6. Question on 3-dimensional spherical body and we are required to draw projections on 2-d plane.( projections namely TOP, lateral, bottom surfaces)


well, I remember these questions correctly, I will update u , if I remember more.

The interview had the following questions:

1. What are the subjects are you comfortable with? my reply was Signal n systems, Analog circuit design, Semiconductor physics.

2. As light is a signal, can you write an equation for the light falling from the tubelight in this room and how many independent variables will the equation have.

3.  A question on Aliasing and how to prevent it?

4. Questions on your final year project, which will be brainstorming..

5. Questions on work experience in industry, the project which you did at JOB and its importance.

Summing, it comes 18-20 mins..

Happy to present you and to help you, help others preparing for GATE to enter temples of Learning(IIT/IISc) .

Best Regards,

Avinash Chander.


Many more will be coming up from other visitors after complete admission process. Hope it helps you.

All the very best.

Tacts and Tips to write your CV

Curriculum Vitae is an important document for every fresh graduate in hunt of a job , may be a dream job and the first job (CV for a fresher). Most of us often puzzled: What to write ? How to write? Can I write this ? Should I mention this achievement in my CV?

What do recruiter conceive of candidate by looking at CV for first time is very important factor which influences the interview and thus the final decision of recruiter. Your CV is the one which sees your interviewer before you in front of him for interview many a times and most of the  times in these days where recruiters keep an eye on CVs uploaded on internet before you actually be present there for an interview.

Now you have understood how important it is to write an effective CV or Resume (for an experienced candidate).

I would like to share some of important points which help in making your CV. These are based on my experiences, learnt from different sources and my view points. Very important point you need to remember here is every inch of space in your CV is very precious and should be utilized to say about you in a right way as you expect  your interviewer to know you.

1. First and foremost thing you should keep in mind is ‘NO FAKE Information’ on your CV.Never even think of providing any fake information on your education details especially.

2. Mention personal information only as much required by your recruiter. Name, Date of Birth and Contact details (Phone, E-mail and Address). If your job requires you to know specific languages and recruiter is interested to know about it you can give these details, otherwise it’s not necessary.

3. One frequently asked question by many is : Should I write my hobbies?.. I say: Yes, but only if you have really achieved anything appreciable by someone with your hobby, otherwise it’s not necessary. Because not having or having a particular hobby never stops your recruiter from shortlisting the CV. If he is searching anything interested regarding hobbies he would always pose a question in your interview.

4. Don’t give too much information on your family and family members, caste, religion and all.

5.  Keep your points about achievements very brief, effective and impressive with usage of best words in dictionary. Just go through sample CVs speaking the similar achievements/points and try to make them better in your way.  Take extreme care in this portion because this is the part of your CV which catches the eyes of recruiter immediately and so need to be very impressive, sounding better than others.

6. Try to use the words Achievements ,Excellence, technology(If you are targeting a technology company  ), management and leadership (if you are applying management related jobs like HR.. so on.).

6. If you are writing about any of your positions of responsibility held by you, be very careful here.. Write as much best you can and mention the important changes you brought in by your position into the system towards making the system better. Here, you respected others talents, creativity and values is very important, if you have created any such opportunities to others by your position ever you mention them. This adds a great value on your CV.

7.  Be prepared mentally with each and every question that may arise from your every statement in the CV. Be clear and confident in your points.

8. Don’t simply modify your CV for the requirements of you recruiter unless you really have some important point you have to mention to your recruiter honestly. Ex. Changing your areas of expertise for the requirements of recruiter though you are not actually. It’s very dangerous if your recruiter starts screwing on these areas. It leaves very bad impression and possibilities you loose a opportunity meant for you.You may also b puzzled sometimes as which subjects to mention as your area of expertise, you have two options:

A. Mention your your proper areas of interest (favorite/ good at subjects) and prepare well by the time of your interview.

B. Don’t mention any of subjects you can always mention them during your interview based on situation then. Just be bit tactful and smart while answering this question that’s all (I did this).

9. I prefer to keep a CV which is good for your dream offer and be thorough with it. You will find your opportunity today or tomorrow but ultimately you will be happy with what you get instead of modifying yourself to fit in for others requirements.

10. Follow a good format for your CV based on the contents you need to fill in. Go creative here. But don’t decorate your CV unnecessarily with stylish fonts, tables, Page border. Keep it simple, standard (calibri is a good font), professional and use creative, punching wordings about your achievements.

11. One more point to mention. If you are puzzled with your too many achievements to put on CV. Just give your time to think who are going to be your competitors for the job applying. Does the achievement really differentiates yo from others in the queue.. Good.. Go ahead to put it..and clearly mention what is that differentiates you from others you here. Give your valuable time to think and rethink on these points. It helps you a lot with your interview and improving interview skills. It’s important to note here that some of achievements may not differentiate one in terms of betterment but important to make your recruiter notice that you are keenly interested and working towards the areas of your interest and also important for that particular job.

UPDATE: Must read this article:  The 3 Biggest Resume Mistakes .

All the best to all Job hunters..:)  Good luck..:)

Stay confident and Be positive..!!!! your dream opportunity is waiting for only you.

You have any doubts or need suggestions? you are most welcome to comment here and get in touch with me on Feel free to ask any small thing you feel like because I am also the one who crossed the stage of fresh candidate, facing all interviews hunting for my dream job.

How to be a good friend..

Man is a social animal. We can’t live without friends , relations, family and more importantly a friendly environment. We need people to care for, share with and to live with. Love that we give away is the love that we keep. So, it’s essential to be good to expect good from this world.Be good , Do good.. Good things will follow.

To make this Earth a great place live goodness, peace and love are most essential things.

Here are few things one should possess to be a good friend..I found this article received on my E-mail very important and interesting.Check out yourself..

How to be a good friend

Friends Forever..

How To Be A Good Friend
It is said that people are not calculated according to the number of friends they have, yes, some people they are friends. It is very difficult to have a good friend to others and a reliable everywhere. It will be difficult to win the love, appreciation and trust of others, unless and until you have the basic quality and features as one of being a good friend .
Qualities Of Being A Good Friend
What You Are: —
To be accepted by others around you, do not try to be someone that you do not. Be yourself. Let yourself be known and accepted for the performance of yourself, not for someone that you are not.
Be respectful :–
Know boundaries. Things and you should discuss your treatment with care – your friends may not share this information with anyone, and may not want. She shared it with you – and only you, as you know. For example: If you do not want your love your name, do not push yourself into it. If she named her heart, do not tell anyone else. This is only polite to anyone and everyone dissemination worth the expectation that you will keep the confidence.
Be Honest: —
A dishonest person can have friends around him / her, but not the truth. If you want a good friend to others, it is important to show loyalty to those around you. No broken promises that you make them. Think twice before making your response – whether you can stand up to speak for you. In case if you have promised and could not complete it, be honest to tell them about the whole dilemma.
Are You Dependable: —
You should win the confidence of the people you want to be a good friend. This is only if you can show honest with them. Be loyal. If your friend shares his / her best kept secrets with you, do not let any third person even get suggestions about it. Blabbing secrets to others would result in the loss of your confidence and trust in you. You’ll then be viewed as a backstabber. Remember, trust is the foundation of good friendship. So, do not trust to leave their friends, at any cost.
Listen : —
Hear your friends. Lending an ear to the needs, their emotions, feelings and desires. Without limiting yourself by just listening to them. Show your reaction to anything they say, by gestures. Showing feel will not serve the purpose. Try to empathize their situation.
Shows the time of crisis: —
May be through thick and thin of your life. You should be the first to help you in your time of crisis. For example, if your friend is a hospital, give his / her immediate aid, such as packed in bags, before I do. Do not leave your friends to enjoy himself / themselves in any illegal activities. Special care of your friends who you think was wedged with any type of addiction. Advise that person out of the habit. Whether it’s physical, mental or financial support, allowing the first there, rather than as a last resort.
Leave space: —
The most important aspect, the maximum that people neglect when they want a good friend, the needs of the space friendship. While getting personal with your friends, do not forget to leave a space for him / her. It is very important to maintain the personality of the friendship. Do not be clingy or poor. Give your friend enough time to hang out with others. Him / her space is needed. Not enjoy all the time on the job,he / she does not want to share with you or do not want your participation in it.
How I wish I had a friend like you.
Someone I could tell my troubles to.
Someone who won’t laugh and call me fool.
A good friend like you.

Dedicated to all my friends.

This post is specially dedicated to all my dear friends…:):)